is the last day of the 2nd month on our Maker’s restored calendar.
is the 1st day of the 5th month on His servant satan’s calendar.
night the Most High gave His servant an awesome illustration pertaining to why He is soon going to send a time of great famine
upon those of you that do not listen, listen to the word of His mouth.
He has led His
servant to keep the 4 corners of His Altar that He has reared up in the midst of Egypt illuminated with olive oil at night.
Last night He led me to try an experiment.
He recently provided His
servant with a different design of a floating wick to use in these 4 lamps.
I have not used them because the current design that I have been using has been working well.
last night He led me to set up a trial run with the new wicks.
I decided to experiment
with one of them but not on His Altar.
And then He sent rain upon His camp.
The 4 lamps of His Altar survived the rain that He sent for much longer than I would have expected however
eventually He sent enough rain to cause the 4 of them to go out.
It was still burning this morning.
The interpretation of this event that
He gave to me is absolutely incredible.
And it parallels the following prophecy
that is for His only begotten Son and these verses also parallel His 2nd witness, His 2nd anointed son
of His Zechariah chapter 4 prophecy;
Isaiah 42
Behold, I will hold up my servant, the life that I have chosen in whom I delight in and I will
give my spirit upon Him (referring to His 7 spirits,
the golden oil that flows out of the 7 lamps of His golden lampstand) and I will send
2 Those
who are outside (this is a word that literally means separated by a wall, therefore at
this time it is referring to being outside of the wall that He has placed around the place that He has placed His name) WILL NOT LISTEN TO HIS VOICE NOR TO HIS CRY NOR LIFT HIM UP.
3 MY BRANCH (this is a reference to a branch on His golden candle stick that His golden oil pours
out upon, therefore it is a reference to each of His two witnesses) will be oppressed
The rain that the Most High sent last night represents all
of His blessings that He has sent upon the scattered descendants of Israel.
are the most blessed nations of the world.
He has sent these blessings upon you because
of His promises to bless Abraham’s descendants.
And for the most part He has held back
sending His curses that He has promised to send upon you (because of your rebellion to the word of His mouth) until now.
However this is soon going to change, very soon.
This is because you have
let His blessings cause you to dim His light.
You have let them cause you to think that
you are good to go with Him.
You have taken them for granted and you have profaned His
holy name.
You have taken them for granted and you have trampled His only begotten Son’s
shed blood under your feet.
And the result of your doing so is going to be His curses
being let loose upon you in heaps.
You have dimmed His light but you have not been
able to put it out completely.
His causing one lamp to continue to burn below His Altar last
night reflects this.
His word testifies that He was only going to put the word
of His mouth upon just one servant at this time.
This one light (that was under a covering)
continuing to burn in the darkness reflects that His light is indeed continuing to shine with and through His anointed that
is also pitched below His Altar.
And it reflects that I am under His covering.
The light is His word.
It is the truth that will set you free if
you will turn back to the Most High and listen, listen to what the word of His mouth is telling you to do.
His word being the light is portrayed to us in John chapter 1;
1 In the beginning was “THE WORD” (the
word of Elohiym) and “THE
His word testifies to who He is, it testifies to His righteousness.
The same (HIS WORD)
What these two verses tell us is totally awesome.
The mother whore
of babylon and most of her daughters that came out of her (that go by the name of christianity) use these verses in John chapter
1 to make the case that Yehshua and His Father are the same.
This is a blasphemous doctrine.
These verses are simply leading up to John introducing the Most High’s word in the flesh, His only begotten
If you want to continue believing into the blasphemous trinity doctrine prepare
to become acquainted with your Maker’s hot indignation.
Prepare to become acquainted
with the judgment of His word.
Prepare to have your darkness exposed by the light of His
Those who become Elohiym’s children are unto His word.
We are in agreement with His word and we are in agreement with His righteousness that the word of His mouth
testifies to.
We are one with Him as His only begotten Son was and is one with Him.
3 All things were made by or through Him (Elohiym)
and not one thing was made apart from Him.
Most High spoke everything into existence with the word of His mouth.
4 In Him was life (in the one that spoke everything into existence
with the word of His mouth was life) AND THE LIFE WAS THE LIGHT OF MEN.
What spoke everything into existence?
“The word of His mouth did.”
The word of His mouth is the life.
His word spoke our lives into existence,
therefore the word of His mouth is the light.
5 And
the light shined in the darkness AND THE DARKNESS DID NOT LAY HOLD
The Most High has spoken the word of His mouth to us through
His only begotten Son and through the rest of His servants the prophets, including His servant that is speaking to you right
This is why He tells you to listen, listen to His servant that He has sent to
you at this time.
His servant John goes on to bring this full circle when he tells us that His only
begotten Son was made to be His word.
He was made to be the Most High’s word
in the flesh.
4 verses later in verse 9 John tells us;
THE LIGHT IS THE TRUTH that gives light to every man that comes into the world.
cannot be put any simpler.
The Most High’s only begotten Son told us that the truth
is His Father’s word.
This is recorded in John 17:17.
verse tells us that Yehshua petitioned His Father the night before He was killed saying Father purify them with your word,
your word is truth.
The revelations of His only begotten Son tell us;
Revelation 19
12 His eyes were as a
flame of fire and on His head were many crowns and HE HAD A NAME “WRITTEN” THAT
NO MAN KNEW EXCEPT FOR HIS. (no man knew except for those who would become
His, referring to His Father’s 144,000 First Fruits that were atoned for with His shed blood).
That which is written is referring to YEHWEH’s word, the word of His mouth (the light).
13 And He was clothed with A ROBE DIPPED IN BLOOD AND
Since the light is Elohiym’s word
this can be rephrased to say “and His name is called the light of Elohiym.”
reason why you do not know the Most High and His only begotten Son and they do not know you as part of their eternal family
is because you do not know His word.
You are in the darkness and you do not know
the light.
You might think that you know His word because you have read it and maybe even
studied it extensively and maybe you can even recite much of it according to the wicked translations of it that have been
translated by evil men that do not know Him or His Son either.
However the proof that
you do not know them is found in your failure to listen, listen to the word of the Most High’s mouth.
His only begotten Son told us that His sheep hear His voice and they follow behind Him.
He lived by every word that His Father sent forth from His mouth through His servants the prophets.
Following Him is doing the same.
Your failure to do so testifies that you
are not His sheep, period.
The fact is none of you that are outside of the walls of His
camp at this time are following the word of the Most High’s mouth, period.
I say this because His word tells us that He has put His word upon my mouth and the word that He has given
to me to speak has bid for you to liquidate everything that you can liquidate quickly…
…and leave the rest behind and turn back to your Maker through that which
He has restored and flee from touching those that His word testifies are the dead before His faces and do not even go back
into their houses…
…and come to the
place that He has placed His name and stand with His 2nd anointed Son.
man recently argued with His servant about his need to sell everything that he has and to bring it to the place that the Most
High has placed His name in order to help His camp obtains supplies for His camp and for the rest of those who will turn back
to Him and come to His camp.
And it looks like the Most High has shut this man off from
His call.
He was even getting ready to come to YEHWEH’s camp to stand with His anointed.
He would have even been here in time to observe some of the last 14 days of the Most High’s back-up Feast
of Unleavened Bread.
But instead he kept eating the bread of men and he grew in
obstinacy in telling the word of the Most High’s mouth, the light of the world, how it is according to the darkness.
This was incredible to witness.
I will show you how and where the word
of His mouth commands you to sell everything that you have at this time;
I’ll start
Matthew 19:21
IF YOU WANT TO BE PERFECT go and sell that which you have and give it to the poor and come AND FOLLOW BEHIND ME and you will have treasure in the dual heavens.
The Greek word for poor that is used in this verse comes from a word that means to bow down.
Matthew also used this word in chapter 5, verse 3 when he told us that Yehshua said blessed are the poor in
spirit because the kingdom of the dual heavens is theirs.
The Most High has caused
His camp to be poor on a financial plain at this time and He has commanded you to bring Him your tithes and your offerings
to His storehouse that is at His house at this time as well.
And then He wove a prophetic
year of the tithe into His end time timeline (that ended a couple of months ago) and since then the word of His mouth (that
is upon His servant Zerubbabel) has told you to not bring Him just your tithes and your offerings but rather bring Him everything
that you can.
His camp is indeed poor in spirit; we are bowed down before His faces.
And the word of the Most High’s mouth commands us to be perfect.
word of His mouth that was upon His servant that He drew out from the waters of Egypt spoke this.
is recorded in;
Deuteronomy 18:13
(without blemish) with YEHWEH Elohiym.
word of His mouth that was upon His only begotten Son also spoke this.
This is recorded
Matthew 5:48
The Most High Himself also spoke this with the word of His mouth that He spoke to His servant Abram when He
cut the covenant with him to bring forth Isaac from Sarah’s womb and when He gave him the name Abraham.
This is recorded in;
Genesis 17:1
And when Abram was 99 years old YEHWEH appeared to Abram and said to him, I am El’ Shadai, WALK BEFORE MY FACES AND BE PERFECT (be without blemish).
And the word of His mouth that He has
put upon His 2nd anointed Son of His Zechariah chapter 4 prophecy has spoken this throughout the past going on
6 years now.
So you see when His only begotten Son told the man…
…IF YOU WANT TO BE PERFECT go and sell that which you have and give it to the poor and come AND FOLLOW BEHIND ME and you will have treasure in the dual heavens…
…He was commanding the man to do so.
And now the Most High has
brought this commandment front and center at this time.
This is because all of
that which you have is going to soon be burnt up anyway.
Listen, listen to the word
of the Most High’s mouth.
Listen, listen to the light of His mouth.
The reason why the one light was not quenched last night is because it was under a covering.
Cover your heads like the word of His mouth has commanded you to do and turn back to Him so that you will be
under His covering in the days that are ahead.
Or else prepare to be a recipient of your
Maker’s hot indignation.
The time for His blessings (that you have trodden under your
feet) to be replaced with His cursings is at hand.
Among a whole bunch of other things, the
rains and the rest of your waters are soon going to be shut off and the light of His Altar is going to burn brightly and not
be quenched.
You have dimmed His light but you have not extinguished it.
You have oppressed His witness against you but you have not broken it.
word of His mouth is indeed alive.
It gives life but it also gives death.
Choose life so that you and your seed after you will live.
Or else prepare
to be a recipient of the judgment of the word of YEHWEH Elohiym of Host’s mouth.
saith the word of His mouth that is upon His 2nd witness.