Repairing The Breach




Today is the 1st day of the 1st month on our Creator's restored calendar.

It is the 9th day of the 3rd month on the calendar that satan gave to those who would be his children to use.

Today we are 200 days from the end of the Most High's 42 restored 30 day months that are in the 1,260 days of His witness against the scattered descendants of Israel.

It is not a coincidence that He has orchestrated the 1st day of the 1st month to land on this 200 day waypoint in His end time timeline.

YEHWEH's word attributes much significance to this day on His calendar.

One of the places that it does so is in Exodus chapter 40;

Exodus 40

1 And YEHWEH spoke unto Moses, saying,



In lieu of the Ark of YEHWEH's testimony's' dwelling place being called the tent of His appointed times it is not a coincidence that His word names the day of His 2nd exodus the day of His appointed time.

It does so in;

Hosea 12

9 I, YEHWEH Elohiym, brought you out from the land of Egypt.


10 I have spoken through My prophets AND I WILL MULTIPLY MY REVELATIONS THROUGH SIMILITUDES through the hand of My prophets.

His reference to the exodus out of Egypt and to yet again I will make you to dwell in tents testifies that these verses are referring to the time of the 2nd exodus which is an exodus out of the captivity of mystery babylon.

He refers to this time as the day of His appointed time because it is the day of His restored appointed times.

In lieu of the Most High telling us that He is going to cause those of you who will return to Him at this time (in the day of His appointed time) to dwell in tents, it is not a coincidence that the dwelling place of the Ark of His testimony or the ark of His witness was what His word calls the tent of His appointed times.

Concerning the 1st day of the 1st month and His servant Noah and the days of the flood we are told;

Genesis 8:13


These two parallels of the 1st day of the 1st month and the Ark of YEHWEH's testimony and the Ark that delivered His servant Noah and his family through the 370 days of the flood and His reference to the coverings that were upon these two different Ark's both in association with the 1st day of the 1st month is incredible.

And so is how these things parallel the Most High turning our baptism waters into His only begotten Son's shed blood.

These 200 days that begin on this 1st day of the 1st month of this year on His restored calendar that contains His restored appointed times parallel the 200 miles of the Jordan River.

And they parallel the 200 miles of the river that is going to flow with blood to the depth of a horse's bridle.

The revelations of the Most High's only begotten Son tell us that this river is going to be 1,600 furlongs.

A furlong is 1/8th of a mile, THEREFORE 1,600 FURLONGS IS 200 MILES.

There is a reason why He made the Jordan River to be 200 miles long and there is a reason why the revelations of Yehshua reference a river of blood being 200 miles long.

The Jordan River is where YEHWEH initiated the practice of baptism through His servant John the baptist.

The Jordan River is where the Most High sent His servant John to begin his public service to Him.

The Jordan River is where the Most High sent His chariot to remove His servant Elijah from the scene.

His word testifies that He sent His servant John in a similitude of His servant Elijah.

The Jordan River is also where the Most High sent me to begin my public service to Him.

The 1st video that He sent me to you with was on Him turning our baptism waters into His only begotten Son's shed blood.

He sent me to you in similitudes of His servant Elijah to tell you what will cause Him to turn your baptism waters into His only begotten Son's shed blood.

And He sent me to you to restore all things.

All things include His restored Sabbaths and the rest of His restored appointed times that are contained in His 42 month testimony against the scattered descendants of Israel.

But His restoration of all things has been rejected by the scattered descendants of Israel and you have not turned back to Him through that which He has restored.

Therefore you have rejected His offer to turn your baptism waters into His only begotten Son's shed blood.

And now He is tying this 1st day of the 1st month on His restored calendar in with the baptism waters being dried up at this time.

And during these 200 days that follow today the Most High is going to uncover His testimony and uncover His almighty arm and cause a 200 mile river to flow with blood to the depth of a horse's bridle.

Since you have not hearkened to the testimony of His word, He is going to remove the covering from the place where His servant and His testimony dwells and you are going to know that He has sent me when He does.

His righteousness will be exalted in His righteous judgment that He is going to send upon you for your playing the whore to Him.

And the blood that will fill this 200 mile river is going to come from those of you who continue to refuse to turn back to Him through that which He has restored.

It is awesome symbolism that the Most High led the translators to call the boat that Noah and his family were delivered with an Ark and that He also led them to translate the chest that contains His testimony an Ark.

That which is inside of the Ark of His testimony is that which will cause Him to deliver those of you who will return to Him through the coming time of trouble that He is going to release at some point during these two hundred days.

The Ark of His testimony contains His Torah.

Deuteronomy chapter 31, verse 26 tells us that His Torah was to be placed in the Ark of His testimony in order to be a witness against the descendants of Israel.

And these verses in Deuteronomy chapter 31 are specifically referring to at the time of the end.

His only begotten Son told us that all will be judged by His word in these last days of this era of time.

The Ark of His testimony contains the song that He gave to us through His servant Moses that He gave to us to be a witness against the scattered descendants of Israel in these last days.

This is recorded in Deuteronomy chapter 31, verses 19 thru 21 before He went on to give us this song in chapter 32.

Last year YEHWEH wove the warning of His coming judgment into the 1st day of the 1st month and into His end time timeline in a remarkable way.

He tied this day in with the 7 months of burying the dead that are spoken about in chapter 39 of His Ezekiel son of man prophecies.

The Most High had His servant Moses set up the tent of His appointed times on the 1st day of the 1st month of the 2nd year after our ancestors came out from Egypt.

Today, on the 2nd anniversary of the warning tier of the 7 months of burying the dead that He wove into this day last year we are 10 days into the final 7 months of His 42 month testimony against the scattered descendants of Israel.

The significance of the number 10 in relation to the 10 commandments that His finger wrote upon the two stone tablets is discussed in other videos.

These two stone tablets are also inside of the Ark of His witness that He placed there to be part of His witness against the scattered descendants of Israel at this time.

It is fascinating how His word is so dynamic in details like this.

Here is a parallel of these seven months and these 200 days that is recorded in His word.

The Ark of YEHWEH's testimony was in the land of the Philistines for 7 months.

Saul sent YEHWEH's servant David in pursuit of 100 foreskins of the Philistines for a dowry for his daughter Michal in hopes that they would kill him.

Instead of being killed, YEHWEH's servant David returned to Saul with 200 foreskins of the Philistines.

The testimony of His word has testified that He is not going to let me be killed during these 200 days.

I'll share with you another parallel to the here and the now with another 1st day of the 1st month that is recorded in His word.

This parallel pertains to His end time son of man prophecy and the cleansing of His sanctuary;

Ezekiel 45

18 Thus saith Adonai YEHWEH, IN THE 1ST MONTH, IN THE 1ST DAY OF THE MONTH; bring a bullock, A SON of a beef THAT IS WITHOUT BLEMISH for the transgressions against the sanctuary.

19 The priest shall bring the blood of the sin offering and give it unto the door post of the house and unto "THE FOUR" corners of the boarder of the altar and upon the post of the gate to the interior court.

I'll touch on the number four in a bit.

20 And do so ON THE 7th DAY of the month for the error (the going astray) and for the foolishness of man FOR THE ATONEMENT OF THE HOUSE.

The testimony of YEHWEH's word has testified that the great and fearful day of His wrath will follow the 7th day of His Feast of Huts that is in the 7th month of this year.

Last year's warning tier of the 7 months of burying the dead involved the Most High weaving 7- 7 day weeks into the testimony of His word and into His end time timeline.

Here is another end time son of man prophecy that involves the 1st day of the 1st month.

This one is for the captivity and a people that are in it not being covered;

Ezekiel 29

17 It was in the 27th year, ON THE 1ST DAY OF THE 1ST MONTH, YEHWEH's word was to me saying;

18 SON OF MAN, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon made his army TO ENSLAVE A GREAT BONDAGE upon Tyrus: EVERY HEAD WAS MADE BALD (EVERY HEAD WAS UNCOVERED) and every side was furbished and he did not give wages to his army FOR THE BONDAGE of Tyrus that he had ENSLAVED UPON THEM:

This army not receiving wages is symbolic of the false shepherds who have helped satan keep the scattered descendants of Israel in the captivity not receiving the reward of eternal life from the Most High.

19 Therefore thus saith YEHWEH Elohiym; Behold, I WILL GIVE THE LAND OF EGYPT (THE LAND OF THE CAPTIVITY) to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and he will carry up her multitude AND PLUNDER HER POSSESSIONS AND THE SPOIL THAT THEY TAKE WILL BE THE WAGES FOR HIS ARMY.

This plunder and the spoil for wages is symbolic of these false shepherds receiving their rewards in the form of plundering the tithes and offerings of their flocks.

The 27th year in this prophecy is a parallel to the 27th day of the 2nd month.

The 27th day of the 2nd month is the day that the Most High opened the door of the Ark 56 days after He told His servant Noah to remove the covering on the 1st day of the 1st month.

This also happened in the 2nd year.

It happened in the 2nd year of His servant Noah and his family being on the Ark.

Concerning this day we are told;

Genesis 8:14

And in the 2nd month, on the 27th day of the month, THE EARTH WAS DRIED.

On this day there will be 144 days left in these 42 restored 30 day months.

This is a parallel of the Most High's 144,000 First Fruits.

There are volumes of such parallels like this that the Most high has woven into His end time timeline.

There is going to be a great famine let loose at some point during these 200 days.

There has already been a famine of hearing YEHWEH's word during His 42 month witness against the scattered descendants of Israel.

And this famine of hearing His word is going to be magnified on a physical plain by a time of trouble that the world has never seen the likes of.

It was also on the 1st day of the 1st month that Ezra the scribe and some others with him departed from Babylon to go up to Jerusalem.

It took them 4 months journey and they arrived in Jerusalem on the 1st day of the 5th month.

Ezra had prepared his heart to seek YEHWEH's Torah and to teach it to the children of Israel.

As with everything that is recorded in YEHWEH's word, the 4 months that it took them on this journey is symbolic as well.

The significance of 4 is discussed in more detail in other videos.

But I can assure you that the 4th blood moon in the sequence that we are in falling on the 24th day of the 7th month this year on YEHWEH's restored calendar is not a coincidence.

The 24th day of the 7th month is the 3rd day of the 7 days of great and fearful day of His wrath.

The 24th day of the 7th month is the day that our ancestors mourned in sackcloth and dust and fasted in the days of Nehemiah.

Those of you who remain uncovered and in the captivity of mystery babylon are going to be shown the shame of your nakedness during the following 200 days.

The Most High is going to show you the judgment of His word that is upon you.

I do not know how much longer He is going to shorten the days of this time of trouble before letting it loose upon you.

But I do know that it will come.

And I do know that it will come in the 200 days that follow this monumental waypoint of the 1st day of the 1st month that He wove into the testimony of His word in a brilliant way.

I said earlier that He opened the Ark's door for His servant Noah and his family to come off of it 56 days after the 1st day of the 1st month.

56 is 4- 14's.

There were 3-14's that led up to Yehshua's birth.

We are about to the 3rd of the 4 blood moons that the Most High has woven into the last two years of His 42 month testimony.

There were the 14 generations between YEHWEH's servant Abraham and His servant David.

There were the 14 generations between His servant David and the captivity of babylon.

And there were the 14 generations from this carrying away until Yehshua the Messiah.

This is recorded in Matthew chapter 1.

This is 42 generations, one for each of His restored 42 months that make up His 1,260 day witness against the scattered descendants of Israel.

There are 14 days that encompass today and YEHWEH's Passover Memorial that He commands us to observe each year on the 14th day of the 1st month.

And 14 days from today begins His 7 day Feast of that which is Unleavened on His restored calendar.

Today is indeed a monumental waypoint in His end time timeline.

And this 200 day countdown to the great and fearful day of the Most High's wrath is indeed ticking away.

Thus saith YEHWEH Elohiym's 2nd anointed Son who He has sent to bear witness to His word.

Thus saith the testimony of His word.