CLICK HERE FOR SUPREME COURT VIDEO THE SUPREME COURT VS. THE SONS OF BELIAL The heads of the Supreme Court of the chief seat of the scattered descendants of Israel that presides over this people who are gathered here in what is called the United States are nothing more than sons of Belial. And so are the rest of you who do not seize our Creator's righteousness. The sons of Belial refuse to seize the Most High's righteousness. You refuse to seize the testimony of His word that testifies to right vs. wrong in His eyes. You execute on your own brand of judgment of right vs. wrong. I am not sure whether or not the Most High's basic and fundamental 10 commandments are still posted on the U.S. Supreme Court building. But whether or not they are does not matter anyway. It does not matter anyway because those presiding in this building certainly do not obey even one of them anyway. And neither do nearly all of you who are the scattered descendants of Israel. I'll put the link to the 10 commandment video in the video description box below that testifies that you do not. You even break His commandment to not murder. You do so by facilitating one another, including your children to walk on a pathway that is leading them to the lake of fire where they will be burnt up. Not only does your rebellion to the Most High abound, your hypocrisy abounds as well. Most of you say that you believe that His 10 commandments are true, yet you refuse to even obey one of them. Our Creator is the Supreme Judge and the only court that matters is His court. The judgment of man can do nothing more than take someone's physical life from them. The Supreme Judge's only begotten Son told us; Matthew 10:28 Do not fear those that can kill the body but are not able to kill your eternal life: BUT RATHER FEAR HIM WHO IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH BODY AND ETERNAL LIFE IN THE LAKE OF FIRE. The testimony that my Father sent me with has testified that there remains little or no fear of Him whatsoever in the land now that He has harvested His first fruits. His only begotten Son and His 2nd witness were sent to tell you that all of you are going to be judged by His word in these last days of this era of time that we are now in. Do you have any fear whatsoever of this judgment? Being judged by His word means that if you are not living in agreement to what His word testifies to, you are going to be found on the bad side of His judgment. You are going to find out that you are of the goats that will be gathered to the left in Yehshua's parable about feeding the least and giving them drink and clothing the naked and visiting those in prison. Here is what He said is going to happen to you; Matthew 25:41 And at that time He will say TO THOSE ON THE LEFT; DEPART FROM ME; YOU ARE CURSED INTO THE PERPETUAL FIRE THAT IS PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS. When He spoke about feeding the hungry in this parable He was speaking about feeding those who hungered for the truth the unleavened bread of life which is His Father's word. Yehshua said that His flesh is meat indeed and His flesh represented the unleavened bread of life. When He referenced giving drink to those who thirst He was speaking about giving those who thirst the water of life to drink of. This water of life ties in with drinking of His blood. This is discussed in other videos. One of them is called "The Water of Life" I'll put the link to it and the link to "The Bread of Life" video in the video description box below. When He said to clothe the naked He was speaking about clothing those who are naked before His Father's face with a robe of righteousness. When He referenced visiting those who are in prison He was speaking about going to those who are bound in the captivity of mystery Babylon to try to set them free. Yes we should also give physical food to those who are hungry and drink to those who are thirsty and clothe those in need with clothing and visit those who are shut up. But this is not what this parable is about. In this parable He referenced that when we do so to one of the least of these who are His brothers that we did so unto Him. This is because doing so increases those who become His brothers and sisters. Our Creator's word testifies that He has sent me to restore all things including His 30 day months and the restored timing of His appointed times including His 7th day Sabbaths. His balance scale that all will be measured with is His word. We are either walking with Him in the testimony of His word as His sons and daughters in the flesh or we are the children of Belial. Belial means worthless. His word is what we must measure and judge all things with since He is the supreme judge and His word is His word. Therefore His word is the supreme tool that He gave us judge all things with. The Most High's last words on the subject of life in the flesh that He put upon His anointed servant David's tongue to be his last words were; 2 Samuel 23 6 ALL OF THE SONS OF BELIAL ARE AS THORNS THAT WILL BE THRUST AWAY BECAUSE THEIR HANDS WILL NOT TAKE HOLD. The hands of the sons of Belial refuse to seize the Most High's righteousness. Your hands refuse to seize the testimony of His supreme word that testifies to right vs. wrong in His eyes. Instead, you execute your own brand of judgment of right vs. wrong. 7 ANY MAN THAT (EVEN) TOUCHES THEM WILL BE FILLED WITH IRON AND THE STAFF OF A SPEAR AND THEY WILL BE UTTERLY BURNT IN THEIR PLACE WITH FIRE. It has been remarkable how He has tied these last words into His touching the dead statute and being sprinkled with the water of separation on the 3rd day and on the 7th day. Last night was the night of the 14th day of the 2nd month on our Creator's restored calendar. The night of the 14th day of the 2nd month is the night that that those who were unable to observe His Passover Memorial on the night of the 14th day of the 1st month are commanded by the Supreme Judge to observe it in the 2nd month. I do not know of one other person besides my family and I that obeyed His command to observe this Memorial on His restored 14th day of either of these two months and according to all of His statutes that He gave to us to observe it with. In lieu of this and in lieu of Yehshua saying that it will be as it was in the days of Noah at the time of the judgment, is it really that difficult to believe that it truly is as it was in the days of Noah where it was only Noah who was fully seizing with the Most High? His word even told us that there would be only one seizing with Him at the time of the end. He told us so through His servant Daniel. This is recorded in; Daniel 10 20 Then he said, DO YOU KNOW FROM WHERE I HAVE COME TO YOU? Henceforth I will turn back TO CONSUME THOSE WHO ARE WITH the prince of Persia. I will go forth and behold, A PRINCE (A HEAD STEWARD) WILL COME TO YOU FROM GREECE. 21 Truly, (at this time) (YEHWEH ELOHIYM) WILL DECLARE TO YOU THAT WHICH IS RECORDED IN HIS SCRIPTURE OF TRUTH AND THERE IS NOT ONE THAT WILL SEIZE (THAT WILL RESTORE) WITH HIM IN THESE THINGS EXCEPT FOR MICHAEL HIS HEAD STEWARD. There is not one who is standing with the Most High's anointed Son at the camp He has placed His name besides his family. Today is the 2nd Sabbath of the 2nd month on His restored calendar. Today is also the 1st day of His 7 day backup provision of His Feast of that which is unleavened that His word makes available for those who were unable to observe this Feast in the 1st month. It was towards the end of the 3rd day of these 7 days of the 2nd month that the Most High closed the Ark's door behind His servant Noah and opened the fountains of the earth to destroy the inhabitants that live upon it. It was towards the end of the 3rd day of this 7 day feast of the 1st month that YEHWEH resurrected His only begotten Son from the tomb. The 3rd day of these corresponding 7 day feasts is on the 17th day of each of these months. The Most High resurrected Yehshua and He closed the Ark's door in the predawn hours a few hours before the 18th day began. The 17th day of the 2nd month will be on April 29th this year on satan's calendar, however the predawn hours of it will be in the early morning hours of April 30th the way that satan taught those who bear his name to reckon the days. The anniversary of YEHWEH opening the Ark's door 370 days later is 10 days later on May 9th on satan's calendar. You are going to soon find out that you have been weighed in the balances of His word. And most of you will be burnt up. Yet He is going to deliver a remnant of you. He is going to do so for His great name's sake so that He can continue to build His eternal family from your midst in the millennium. He is going to heap a time of great calamity upon you in order to humble this remnant of you to a point that you will hearken to Him. And as for the rest of you, you will be utterly burnt up in your place in your rebellion to Him. Thus saith the testimony of the Supreme Judge of everything that exists, the Supreme Judge of the land, the righteous one that inhabits eternity. |