7,000 MEN

Yesterday I posted a video explaining how YEHWEH's word testifies to a point where none would fully seize with His servant that He sent to restore all things at the time of the end when He sent him.

He even gave us a prophecy concerning Elijah that expands on this that I will share with you today.

And this prophecy is significant considering our Messiah said that one sent in the spirit of Elijah would be sent to restore all things.

Our Creator's word also testifies to a group, a few in number, that I was to bind in my robe.

This group is discussed in the prophecy of the burning of a third of my hair and beard and the cutting up of a third of it and the scattering of the final third of it.

This is recorded in Ezekiel 5;

3 You shall also take thereof a few in number and bind them in your skirt.

But YEHWEH Himself said in Daniel 10:21 that even this small group would not fully seize with Him in what He was to reveal and restore at the time of the end.

This is just a reality that His word testifies to.

It was not this way in the days of Elijah; YEHWEH told him that there were 7,000 others who remained at that time.

Elijah thought that he was the only one left.

This was prophetic as well and I will get to this prophecy in a minute.

He had fled into the wilderness where in despair he even cried out to YEHWEH to take his life.

He had had enough that none desired to hearken to our Creator and he did not even feel worthy to go on.

Then YEHWEH sent him an angel twice to nourish him.

The second time the angel told him to go to mount Horeb where he lodged in a cave for 40 days and 40 nights.

It was at mount Horeb where YEHWEH made the covenant with the children of Israel and gave them His commandments with His statutes and judgments.

All of this has huge symbolism in it for the here and the now.

The Elijah that has been sent to you at this time has been sent to you telling you to return to the Torah that was given through Moses at Horeb with the statutes and judgments just like the prophet Malachi recorded would happen.

YEHWEH came to Elijah at end of the 40 days and 40 nights and asked him what he was there for and Elijah replied;

1 Kings 19:10-12

10 I have been very zealous for YEHWEH Elohiym of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, they have thrown down your altar and slain your prophets with the sword; AND ONLY I AM LEFT and they seek my life to take it away.

Then YEHWEH gave him the still small voice prophecy.

This prophecy also applies to the here and the now.

I have spoken recently in the "Still Small Voice" video how this prophecy was foretelling July 19th not unfolding in the same way I thought it would.

And now we can see that it even applies to November 9th, although I was clear to speak that I did not know how November 9th would unfold.

And in both of these cases, He gave us the continuance of His timeline ahead of these dates.

It is key to understand that both of these dates are testified to through His word and they testify to His word.

It is not about the dates, but they are very significant in how His prophesied time of wrath is unfolding and they are very significant in what they testify to.

The way that His timeline is unfolding is brilliant in design at testifying to His word and to why He is sending His wrath and to whom He is sending it upon.

11 And YEHWEH said, go and stand in the mountain before my face. And, behold, YEHWEH PASSED OVER, and a great and mighty wind (spirit) rent the mountain and broke the rocks before YEHWEH's face; BUT YEHWEH WAS NOT IN THE WIND: and after the wind an earthquake (a shaking); BUT YEHWEH WAS NOT IN THE EARTHQUAKE:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; BUT YEHWEH WAS NOT IN THE FIRE: and after the fire A SMALL QUIET VOICE.

After this, Elijah went to the mouth of the cave and YEHWEH asked him again what he was there for.

And Elijah responded the same way;

14 And Elijah said; I have been very zealous for YEHWEH Elohiym of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, they have thrown down your altar and slain your prophets with the sword; AND ONLY I AM LEFT and they seek my life to take it away.

Then He sent him to Damascus to anoint Hazael king of Syria and Yehu king of Israel and Elisha to replace him.

At this time He told Elijah;

1 Kings 19:18

18 There remain SEVEN THOUSAND in Israel, all of whom their knees have not bowed unto Baal, and all of whom their mouths have not kissed him.

In lieu of Daniel 10:21 where YEHWEH says that at the time of the end, there are none who seize Him except the one whom He plucked out of the fire, this is a testimony against the scattered nations of Israel for the here and the now.

At least back then there were still 7,000 who were ready to serve Him.

The reference to 7,000 men links this verse to a prophecy given in the Revelations of our Messiah.

It is a prophecy that ties the two witnesses in with the destruction of 96.666667% of the inhabitants of the world.

It is found in;

Rev 11:13

13 And in the same hour there was a great earthquake and A TENTH PART OF THE CITY FELL and in the earthquake SEVEN THOUSAND "NAMED" MEN WERE SLAIN AND THOSE WHO REMAINED FEARED AND GAVE PRAISE to YEHWEH in heaven.

I spoke in the "7 Billion Will Die" video how this is a prophecy for the 96.666667%.

The 7,000 is a prophetic reference to 7 billion.

The reason why it was recorded as 7,000 is to testify to the fact that there are not 7,000 who remain like there was back then.

There are none but one, just like our Creator said there is none but His servant whom He sent to you in the spirit of Elijah.

Elijah saying that he is the only one left is prophetic that the one who was to be sent in the spirit of Elijah would be the only one left.

This is according to YEHWEH's word.

The 10th part of the city falling in this verse is a reference to a tithe or a tenth of the last third that will be humbled into repentance.

This is the 3.33333% of the inhabitants of the world that will be delivered into the millennium.

I spoke about how the arithmetic in this testifies to it in the "7 Billion Will Die" video.

It is what it is.

Notice how He says;

"and those who remained FEARED AND GAVE PRAISE to YEHWEH in heaven."

This is the tithe or 10% of the third that Ezekiel recorded.

Also notice how it says the 7,000 "named men" were slain.

What did our Messiah say about being named by the kingdom?

I'll help you out by reading it to you;

Matthew 5

19 Whosoever therefore BREAKS ONE OF THE LEAST OF THE COMMANDMENTS AND TEACHES OTHERS TO DO SO WILL BE CALLED (OR NAMED) least by the kingdom of heaven (This is who the 7 billion "named men and women" are): but whosoever WILL DO THEM AND TEACH OTHERS TO DO THEM, THEY WILL BE CALLED (OR NAMED) great by the kingdom of heaven. (This is who will be delivered into the millennium to become the planting thereof)

Turn for your rebellion to His word and be found doing His word and telling others to do likewise and be named great by His Kingdom.

Do so in order to become part of His planting in the millennium so that you can become part of the latter harvest into His family.

If you turn from your rebellion to His word (which is what repentance is), He will turn the water that you need to be baptized under into His Son's blood to atone for your rebellion and He will remove your trespasses from you.

Repent and live, His kingdom is at hand!

Thus Saith YEHWEH Elohiym