Folks, this is really simple.

We are either children of YEHWEH Elohiym, our Creator, or we are satan's children.

Today I am going to pose some questions to you that will define whose child you are.

Our Messiah said;

John 8:44

44 You are of your father the devil AND YOU DO THE DESIRE of your father.

He was a murderer from the beginning AND HE ABODE NOT IN "THE TRUTH" BECAUSE THERE IS NO "TRUTH" IN HIM.

When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: because he is a liar and the father of it.

Yehshua taught that living His Father's word is what sets us apart to our Creator to purify us.

It is YEHWEH's desire that we obey His word in order to be purified through doing so.

It is satan's desire that we rebel against YEHWEH's word so that we will be dead for eternity.

This is why he is a murderer from the beginning.

The night before Yehshua was killed He besought His Father before His disciples.

He said;

John 17:17


Folks, this is so simple.

You are either being purified through living the truth which is YEHWEH's word and He is your Father.

Or you are clothed in the filthy, soiled garments that you got satan.

And he is your father instead.

Which is it?

According to our Messiah, if you do not live the truth, you are of your father the devil.

Here is today's quiz;

We'll start with the Sabbaths as the first question since YEHWEH says that His Sabbaths are a sign between Him and His children forever.

•A.     Does the Father that you obey tell you that His Sabbaths are based on the calendar that His word testifies to?

•B.     Does the father that you obey tell you that his Sabbaths are based on a fixed day of the week on the roman calendar that YEHWEH's word testifies in Daniel 7:25 that satan would inspire his servants to set up in order to change time and laws?

•C.      Does the father that you obey tell you that it does not matter what day you set aside?

•D.     Does the father that you obey tell you that his son did away with his Sabbaths so you do not have to set aside any day?

I am going to spend some time on this question today because it is of huge significance.

It always has been huge in significance, but now it is a big part of the final showdown between truth and all of that which opposes it.

And now the truth has been restored and all who do not side with it and return to it will be purged out in the coming days.

According to our Messiah, it is His Father's word that all will be judged with in the last days so let's see what His word says.

YEHWEH's word says;

Gen 1:14

14 And Elohiym said; Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be "FOR SIGNS" and for "APPOINTED TIMES" and to "DETERMINE DAYS AND YEARS" (His calendar)

Leviticus 23 says that His Sabbaths are included in His appointed times.

Ex 31:12-14

12 And YEHWEH spoke to Moses, saying,

13 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, VERILY YOU SHALL KEEP (HEDGE ABOUT/GUARD) my Sabbaths BECAUSE IT IS "A SIGN" BETWEEN ME AND YOU THROUGHOUT YOUR GENERATIONS so that you will know that I am YEHWEH that sanctifies (PURIFIES) you.

14 Therefore HEDGE ABOUT (GUARD) the Sabbath because it is to be holy (SET APART) to you: every one that defiles it (or profanes it) DYING THEY WILL DIE: inasmuch, whosoever does any work therein, that soul will be cut off FROM BEING MY PEOPLE.

So if you selected either....

     C. Does the father that you obey tell you that it does not matter what day you set aside?

     D. Does the father that you obey tell you that his son did away with his Sabbaths so you do not have to set aside any day?

....according to His word, satan is your daddy.

According to His word, having the Sabbath correct is a matter of eternal life or eternal death.

It is a matter of who His children are and who is cut off from Him.

And having it correct is a huge test that YEHWEH has put before those who will return to Him to be delivered into the millennium.

Having it correct is a big part of the final showdown between truth and all of that which opposes it.

There are those who say that the Sabbaths are on Saturday and there are those who say that it is on Sunday.

These are both easy to disprove because a Sabbath on a fixed day of the week on the roman calendar does not reconcile with YEHWEH's word.

This is discussed in detail in the "Are the New Moon Days Commanded Worship Days" video that is found on this site.

So if you selected;

      B. Does the father that you obey tell you that his Sabbaths are based on a fixed day of the week on the roman calendar that YEHWEH's word testifies in Daniel 7:25 that satan would inspire his servants to set up in order to change time and laws?

Then according to YEHWEH's word, satan is your daddy.

There are also those who correctly understand and believe that He gave us His luminaries use to determine when His Sabbaths are like He said that He did in Genesis 1:14.

But which group of these has it correct?

There is much debate on this subject among these different groups.

Is it those who use the conjunction phase of the moon?

If so, then from where is the conjunction phase determined from?

And is it the day following this phase or is it this day, etc.?

There are those who say that it is the full moon phase because they have put their eternal hopes in the book of Enoch and what they think Psalms 81:3 says.

If it was the full moon phase, which it is not, then the same questions apply that apply to the conjunction phase;

From where is the full moon phase determined from and is it the day following this phase or is it this day, etc.?

There are also those that use the first visible crescent to determine the beginning of the months and when the Sabbaths and the rest of His appointed times are.

The same questions apply within this group;

From where is the crescent determined from and is it the day following this phase or is it this day, and questions like these?

Understanding the answer to the Sabbath question begins with understanding that YEHWEH put us here in the flesh to test us and to prove us.

Who will we listen to?

Will we listen to His servants the prophets?

Or will we listen to satan and his servants?

Folks, we have to use YEHWEH's word to measure all things.

If His word says that He put the luminaries here for us to use, He did so for a reason.

His word testifies that the months were always 30 days long until He altered them.

His word also testifies that He would send one in the spirit of Elijah at the time of the end of man's self-rule to restore all things.

After He altered the rotations, the months went from 30 days to 29.53059 days.

So in lieu of this, the first step for you to make should be to determine when and why He altered them.

Before He altered the rotations of the luminaries, they were always in sync with the 30 day month.

His word testifies that each month had two New Moon day celebrations followed by 4- 7 day weeks with the 7th day of each week being the Sabbath.

After He altered the cycles, each month either has 29 or 30 days, therefore some months only have a 1 day celebration and some have 2 days followed by the 4-7 day weeks.

A continually rotating 7 day cycle does not fit into His rotations of the luminaries, nor can it be reconciled with His scriptures to fit His New Moon worship days that we are commanded to observe.

Therefore a 7 day continually rotating cycle does not fit into YEHWEH's word.

The testimony that He has sent me with is that He altered the rotations when Hezekiah required a sign to prove that YEHWEH had healed him and given him 15 more years.

When He moved the sun back in order to cause the sundial to go back 10 degrees, this caused a 40 minute per day shift in the rotations.

The number 40 is not a coincidence here.

Here's the arithmetic;

40 minutes/day X 30 days = 1,200 minutes difference/ month

1,200 minutes difference/ month X 12 months = 14,400 minutes difference/ year

14,400 minutes difference / year X 3 years= 43,200 minutes off over the course of three years

43,200 minutes divided by 60 minutes/ hour = 720 hours lost over three years

720 hours divided by 24 hours in a day = 30 DAYS LOST IN A 3 YEAR PERIOD.

With the months only being 29.53059 days, we need to add a 13th month to the lunar calendar every 3 years in order to keep the lunar year balancing with the solar year.

So this establishes when the cycles were altered.

But what about the why?

The reason why is huge in relationship to where we are at in time in lieu of the restoration of all things.

The reason why was because Hezekiah did not believe YEHWEH's word that He would heal him that He sent to him through the prophet Isaiah.

He required a sign instead.

There is a reason why Yehshua told us that a wicked and an adulterous generation requires a sign and that there would be no sign given to it but the sign of Jonah.

The detail in the 3rd tier in the sign of Jonah is spectacular in proving that the 30 day month has been restored.

The rotations of the luminaries will soon be back in sync with the 30 day month, but until then, YEHWEH has placed this test in front of you.

Will you believe His prophet whom His word testifies to?

Or will you require a sign?

This is a matter of standing with His word.

Before the cycles where altered, they did not even need to watch for the moon.

They simply needed to count 30 days off each month and guard this count like they were commended to.

Of course the moon was always in sync with this count before its cycle was altered.

But it was because of Hezekiah not believing YEHWEH's prophet that this count went away.

And the lunar cycle has never been in sync with the months since then except in a 19 year wobble.

After this, they had to rely on the visual sighting of the moon.

In lieu of this, sometimes they had to rely on guess work when they could not see the moon and they were sometimes off because of this or because of the imperfect cycle.

It might have been cloudy for a few months in a row where they could not see the crescent, so they had to devise calculations to keep them close.

From there, YEHWEH knew that Israel would lose track of His Sabbaths.

He knew that satan would inspire Hillel II to fix the Sabbaths on his perverted calendar.

YEHWEH's word prophesied that this would happen.

The year that Hillel II fixed the Sabbath on Saturday on satan's calendar was the year 4116.

The year 4116 was 1,656 years ago from this year.

YEHWEH sent the flood in the year 1656.

The timing in all of this is incredible.

But the point in this is will you believe YEHWEH's word and stand with it or will you need the sign to accompany it?

If you need the physical sign of the rotations to prove His word, you simply do not believe our Messiah who said that no other sign would be given but the sign of Jonah.

Yes, His word says that He put the rotations there for us to use, but a physical sign does not trump His word.

He put the rotations there for us to use until He restored His 30 day calendar.

You have to deny His word on several accounts to deny that He has sent me to restore all things, including the rotations.

A physical sign does not trump His word and this is why Yehshua said there would be no other sign given.

If you would just think about it, He has been setting up the stage of this final showdown from the time that He set up the luminaries the way that He did.

The altering of them was all part of this final showdown and so was why He altered them in lieu of Yehshua's prophecy that there would be no other sign given.

This is such an important subject to have correct.

If the sign of Jonah is not true and you want to stand with the physical sign of the luminaries, then I suggest that you find another Michael that has restored what YEHWEH has already restored through me, who has also fulfilled the prophecies that YEHWEH has already fulfilled through me to stand with.

And I suggest that you do so quickly.

Okay, back to the quiz.

I just wanted to spend some time on when the Sabbath is because of the importance of it.

Next question;

•A.     Does the Father that you obey require you to observe His 3 annual harvest feasts when He says they are and obey them how He says to obey them?

•B.     Does the father that you obey tell you to observe traditions that came from pagan origins like christmas and easter?

If you chose B, you are of your father the devil.

Our Messiah said;

Matt 15:3

Why do you also violate YEHWEH's commandments through your traditions?

A couple of verses later He said;

Matt 15:6-9

6 And you have disannulled YEHWEH's word through your traditions.

7 You are hypocrites, Isaiah prophesied well of you, saying,

8 This people honors me with their lips but their heart is far from mine.

9 For you worship me for no purpose (in vain), teaching the doctrines of men's religious precepts.

It is incredible how removed nearly all are from our Elohiym's commandments.

Even groups that observe a form of His feasts pervert them to no end.

For instance, just look at the Feast of Temporary Dwellings that just past.

We are commanded to make temporary dwellings or huts out of trees and branches and sit in them for 7 days.

Most groups who do claim to observe this feast go stay in fancy hotels for what they call this feast.

And they are of their father the devil in doing so.

•A.     Does the father who leads, guides and directs your footsteps tell you to do the least of His commandments like wearing blue tassels and to teach others to do the same?

•B.     Does the father that leads, guides and directs your footsteps tell you that his son nailed these things to the cross and you do not have to do them?

If you answered b, then satan is your daddy.

Our Messiah said;

Matthew 5:19

Whosoever therefore BREAKS ONE OF THESE LEAST OF THE COMMANDMENTS AND TEACHES OTHERS TO DO SO, he will be called the least by the kingdom of heaven: BUT WHOSOEVER WILL DO THEM AND TEACH OTHERS TO DO THEM, the same will be called great by the kingdom of heaven.

20 Therefore I say to you, THAT UNLESS YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS EXCEEDS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES AND THE PHARISEES, you will in no way enter into the kingdom of heaven.

This is right after He said that He did not come to get rid of one punctuation mark from His Father's Torah until heaven and earth pass away.

After He said this, He continued on to magnify the Torah like Isaiah prophesied that He would.

•A.    Does the Father who is telling you how to live tell you that all liars will be thrown in the lake of fire with the adulterers, etc.?

•B.     Does the father who is telling you how to live tell you yes, lying is wrong, but no one is perfect so you shouldn't be so hard on yourself or others?

If YEHWEH is your Father, you will have chosen A because His word says;

Rev 21:8

8 BUT THE FAITHLESS (those who do not trust and obey our Elohiym) AND THE DISBELIEVING (the ones who do not believe Him), and the abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, AND ALL LIARS WILL HAVE THEIR PLACE IN THE LAKE WHICH BURNS WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE which is the second death.

•A.     Does the Father that you listen to tell you that if you want to enter into eternal life you have to keep the commandments?

•B.     Does the father that you listen to tell you that you are saved by grace as long as you confess his son's name with our mouth and believe that he raised him form the dead like Saul of tarsus taught?

YEHWEH's Son said;

Matt 19:17

Why do you beseech me as being good? There is only one that is good.


So if you chose B, guess what, satan is your daddy because you chose to listen to his boy Saul of tarsus instead of listening to YEHWEH Elohiym's Son.

•A.     Does your Father tell you that your first priority in your life needs to be on His righteousness and on His kingdom?

•B.     Does your father tell you that you can choose how to live for yourselves, choosing right from wrong for yourselves and that as long as you are a good person to others, etc., you are in good with him?

•C.      Does your father tell you that your family is what is most important?

Yehshua said in Mathew 5 to be perfect in the manner that His Father in heaven is perfect.

I read a minute ago where He also said that unless our righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, we will in no way enter into His Father's kingdom.

He told us that our foremost priority needs to be on His Father's righteousness and on His kingdom and to not be concerned with the things of this world like even food and clothing.

He said things like;

Matt 10:37-39

37 He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

38 And he that does not take up his stake (referring to lose his or her life) and follow after me (pursue after the path that He walked on which is His Father's word) is not worthy of me.

39 He that finds his life will lose it and he that loses his life for my sake (His Father's word's sake) will find it.

So if you picked either B or C, you are of your father the devil.

Folks, I could keep going on and on because there are scores of questions like these that I could ask that prove that the father of the blasphemous religion of christianity is satan.

Come out of her and be not partakers of the wrath that is about ready to be unleashed upon her whoredom.

Saul of Tarsus has been declared to be the abomination of desolation.

His teachings desolated the truth that delivers us into YEHWEH's family.

Flee from his lies that he got from his daddy satan and flee to the hills like our Messiah commanded us to do.

Folks, this is real and it is really happening.

Today we are less than 25 days from YEHWEH's wrath.

He gave us life here in the flesh for a reason.

He put us here to become as He is.

If your father is telling you that he put you here for some other reason, he is not YEHWEH Elohiym.

If your father is not YEHWEH Elohiym, then who else could he be other than the father of lies?

Most of you believe that one day YEHWEH is going to send His wrath to the inhabitants of the world.

So why won't you believe why He said that He is going to send it?

He told us why.

He said;

Ezekiel 22:26


If your father says you do not need to keep YEHWEH's Torah, he is satan.

If you father says that you do not need to observe the clean and the unclean statutes like when a woman is menstruating or putting a difference between clean and unclean foods and things like this, he is satan.

If your father tells you that you do not need to observe YEHWEH's Sabbaths when and how He says to observe them, he is satan.

And you have profaned YEHWEH Elohiym's name in your whoredom with your father the devil.

Thus saith YEHWEH Elohiym