Today, which is July 9th on the calendar that satan gave to his children, we are only 10 days away from the true Messiah's return.

The image of the Most High's Son that christianity embraces and loves is a make believe image of Him.

The image or the character of your "j" guy is an image of a liar and a hypocrite.

Your image of Him says that He lied when He said that He did not come to get rid of one punctuation make from His Father's Torah until heaven and earth are no more.

With your false image of Him, He must have lied when He said if you want to enter into eternal life, keep the commandments.

He must have lied when He said that unless our righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees that we will in no way enter into His Father's kingdom.

He must have lied when He said that we have to follow Him on the straight and narrow path that He walked on if we are going to have eternal life awarded to us.

He must have lied when He said that we have to lose our lives for His Father's kingdom's sake.

He must have lied when He said if we keep the commandments, then His Father will give us His spirit to guide us.

You say that you have His spirit without obeying Him so obviously He must have lied when He said this.

He must have lied when He said if we live His word, then we can know the truth that will deliver us.

He must have lied when He said that if we love mother or father or children more than Him, and He is His Father's word, that we are not worthy of Him.

Most of you despise YEHWEH's word in your hearts that was recorded by His prophets.

You call His word a burden and say that it was against us and the opposite is true.

Walking in it is perfect at circumcising our hearts.

Yehshua must have lied when He said that if we do not follow after the same path that He became and walked on that we are not worthy of Him.

Following Him is walking as He walked and He obeyed His Father's word.

Instead of following Him, you walk after the abomination of desolation Saul of Tarsus so that you can justify your rebellion.

You are so in love with your apostasy that you cannot even see what a liar and a hypocrite your make believe Messiah is.

Most of you in christianity believe that He is also His Father so He obviously must have lied when He said over and over again that He is His Father's Son.

According to what you live, our Messiah must have lied when He said that if we love Him we will keep the commandments because you say that you love Him without keeping them.

So obviously either you are liars or He is.

You are about ready to find out that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire.

In your false beliefs, the messiah obviously had to have lied when He said that those who live apart from His Father's law will come to Him the last days and He will tell them to depart from Him because He does not know them.

He must have lied when He said immediately after this that building our house on the rock is doing or living His word.

He said His word was His Father's word.

Your image of the messiah is a liar because the real Messiah said that all who do not believe into His name, which is His Father's word, will be condemned.

And the prophets like Isaiah must have lied as well when they said things like Yehshua would magnify the Torah when He came.

And He must of lied when He did this when He said things like if you so much as look at a woman in lust who is not your wife that you are an adulterer.

He obviously must not have meant it when He said if your eye causes you to stumble to pluck it out because it is better to enter into heaven with one eye than to not get there.

The same is true with your make believe image of the "g" guy that you worship.

He must also be a liar and a hypocrite as well.

He obviously must have lied when He said that He was going to send a double portion of His wrath on the descendants of Israel in the last days for rejecting His Torah.

He must have lied when He said that He is sending His wrath because you have profaned His Sabbaths and you have put no difference between the clean and the unclean.

He must have lied when He said that we are commanded to purge out the adulterer and the Sabbath breakers and other abominations from our midst.

He obviously must have lied when He said that His Sabbaths are a sign forever between Him and those who would be His children.

He must have lied when He commanded us to set His Sabbaths apart to Him and that if we did not, then we would be cut off from being His people along with the other reasons that He said that He would cut us off.

He must have lied when He said the new covenant would include Him writing His Torah in our hearts and in our inward parts.

He must have lied when He said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased since most of you believe that He is His Son.

Since most of you believe that no man will know the day or the hour, He must have lied when He told Daniel that the day was to be sealed until the time of the end.

He must have lied when He told Isaiah that He would sent His messenger to proclaim the day and the year of His vengeance.

His Son also must have lied when He said right after He said that He did not know the day or the hour back then that meat would be given to the wise and faithful servant in due season but that the day would come upon the wicked servant like a thief in the night.

Christianity's make believe image of your "G" guy must have lied when He said that He rises His servants up ahead of time and sends them to Israel to warn them of His wrath that will follow if they do not repent.

He must have lied when He said that two cannot walk together unless they are agreed.

I say this because you say that you walk with Him yet His righteousness has no place in your rebellious, uncircumcised hearts and you are not in agreement with Him.

You not only let the Sabbath breakers continue in your midst, you are Sabbath breakers yourselves.

You not only let adultery flourish unchecked, you are whores yourselves.

His word testifies that if you worship a make believe image of Him, you are an adulterer to Him.

Your image of Him must have lied when He said the soul that transgresses against Him will die.

He must have lied when He said that He sent you into captivity and why He sent you there.

You think that you can come before the Most High without leaving the captivity.

You think you can come into His presence with your soiled, filthy, putrid garments.

You think you can be in tight with Him even though you trample His Son's blood underfoot by using it as a license to live in rebellion to Him.

You truly are a stench before His face and as I have said in other videos, your arrogance before His face is off the charts.

I could go on and on with other examples of where your image of the Most High and His Son calls them liars and hypocrites.

But the point is, they are not the liars and hypocrites, you are.

And you are about to get recompensed for your rebellion to Him if you do not turn from it.

Thus saith YEHWEH Elohiym