This video is going to discuss who is covered by Yehshua’s blood and who is not.

It really is a simple subject and all we need to do is believe His words.

Here is what He said;

Matt 12:47-13:1

47 Then one said to Him, Behold, your mother and your brother are standing outside desiring to speak with you.

48 But He answered the one that spoke and asked him, who is my mother? And who are my brethren?

49 And he stretched forth His hand toward his disciples, and said, behold my mother and my brethren!

50 Because whosoever shall do “THE WILL” of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

I ask each of you to consider if doing His Father’s will is important in your life or not.

Is it your entire focus and your every breathe?

Or, do you even know what His will is?

He created us to be made in His image.

Do you have some other will in mind? Like your own will?

His will is that which He determined.

It is what He purposed when He created us or what He has chosen to do through creating us.

It is what He has decreed.

He is the Creator, not us.

He told us what He sent forth to accomplish His will;

Isa 55:8-11

8 Because my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says YEHWEH.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

10 Just as the rain and the snow fall from heaven and water the earth before they return and cause it to bring forth and bud, that they may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:


He sent us His word to do His will.

And it has, the First Fruits of His family were built with it.

And now He is crying out to a people to turn to the same word in order to be delivered into a new era of time.

He is purposing to build the latter harvest with the same word in this era with satan and his cronies bound.

I have spoken that you must cover your heads and return to Him and let Him turn your covering into the wings of His protection and into the blood of His Son.

This is His will, just as it is His will that you live by His every word.

Yehshua said this when He said;

Matt 7:21

21 Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he “THAT DOES THE WILL” of my Father which is in heaven.

He was speaking about the narrow path and the good fruit and how the bad fruit will be thrown into the fire and burnt up in the preceding verses.

Then He goes on to explain that the good fruit is not just our good deeds that we do in His name or casting out demons in His name or prophesying or preaching to others in His name.

He say many will come to Him who have done these things and they will even call Him Lord but He will say to them; depart from me because I never knew you.

Why will He say this?

He told us; because they did not “do or live” His Father’s Torah (they “did” lawlessness).

They lived apart from the instructions.

He went on in these verses to explain this even further, He said that those who “do” His logos are those who built their houses on the rock.

I keep saying that this is not rocket science because it is not.

Why don’t you hear me?

It is because my Father’s word has no place in you.

And you are of your father the devil.

If you are not doing the will of YEHWEH Elohiym, the eternal, self-existing Creator, then you are not Yehshua’s brethren and you are not covered by His shed blood.

Do you want another witness besides Matthew?

John 15:14

14 You are my friends, “IF YOU DO” what I have commanded you.

It is all about doing His will and it is His father’s will that we keep the commandments, all of them.

This is why Yehshua repeated over and over again this same night before He was murdered that we must keep the commandments.

They teach us His character; therefore they mold us in His image and this is why we were created.

He is love, and they teach us to love, not as man loves but as He loves with righteousness and with purity.

John 7:16-17

16 Yehshua answered them, and said, my instructions are not mine, but they are His that sent me.

17 If any man will “DO HIS WILL,” he will know whether the instructions are from Elohiym, or whether I speak of myself.

The same is true of each of you today as I speak.

I claim that it is Yehshua who is speaking through me but many of you cannot perceive this because you are not doing His will, therefore you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear.

If you repent, and turn to His will, then you will know that I am speaking the instructions from our Creator because He will give you His seven spirits so that you can see and hear His voice.

They could not hear Yehshua’s voice back then and therefore they could not know that He was from the Father because His word had no place in them.

Yehshua told them that it was for this reason that they were of their father the devil.

Do you think that something has changed?

He has given so much proof that He has raised me up to cry out to you but so far the proof is all in His word but His word has no place in most of you so you cannot hear.

You want proof on a physical plain but like I have said often in these videos, you lie to yourself because Yehshua gave you the proof on a physical plain.

You say that you believe that He walked out of the tomb, or at least many of you do.

Yet you still did not turn to that which He spoke and do it.

Sadly when the physical proof comes, it will not matter to most of you because your hearts are so hardened.

I spoke earlier today in another video that He is commanding you to cover your heads and to cry out to Him to be forgiven.

You must cry out for His deliverance but most of you listening to this have given yourself salvation from your false doctrines apart from living His will.

Therefore you will not cry out because you have given yourself a false since of security in your man-made beliefs.

Yehshua spoke clearly that you are not His brethren if you are not “doing His Father’s will.”

Why not just believe Him for once?

Repent, the fuse has been lit and He will not turn from His wrath at this point.

He spoke this in the verses leading up to His commandment for you to cover your heads at this time.

Ezek 24:14

14 I YEHWEH have spoken it: it will come to pass, and I will do it; I will not uncover (referring to the ashes spoken of in the earlier verses), neither will I pity, neither will I repent; YOU WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO YOUR PATH, AND ACCORDING TO YOUR DOINGS, says Adonai YEHWEH.

He is going to purge out that which has destroyed His will.

He allowed for it while He built His temple but now it is built and now He is moving onto the next phase of His creation.

Turn from your ways while you still can, make straight your path by walking on the narrow path that leads to eternal life.

Turn so that you can be a part of the next phase.

Turn back and help Him build the old places that have been laid waste.