What is the abundant life that Yehshua was referring to when He said;

John 10:9-11

9 I am the door: if any man enters through me, he will be delivered and enter in and proceed forth and find pasture.

10 The thief does not come except with the intent to steal and to kill and to destroy: I have come in order you can possess life and so that you can possess it in abundance.

11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives His life for His sheep.

The King James Version says that He came so that we might have life more abundantly.

Many have twisted these verses in their minds and in their hearts to make His words about receiving the physical blessings of life and this is not what He is telling us.

This erroneous idea fits right in with the false prosperity gospel that many believe and preach.

The reason that I am discussing this topic today is because your Creator is asking each of you to give up your lives for His Kingdom’s sake and you might want to know what you are trading in your lives for.

For some of you, it might be to save your necks from the coming destruction.

This mind set is not going to cut it.

This is not the heart that our Creator is looking for.

He is looking for those who want their abundance or their wealth to be in what He is offering.

He is building an eternal family built from a specific type of character.

It is His character that He wants to teach it to us if we will desire it.

The abundance that Yehshua was talking about that day was the joy of living with one another in purity.

This comes from having our nature or our character replaced with His character which is the same as His Father’s character.

He said that they were one. He said that if you have seen Him, you have seen His Father.

This needs to be your goal as well, so that others can look upon you and see who YEHWEH is through you.

This is what bearing His name is.

We need to learn His character and desire it for it to become our character so that we can live it and so that it can be reproduced through us to others.

The result of this is perfect love.

It is all about the relationship that we have with our Creator and His Son and with one another but it is not the kind of relationship that we can have with our own nature.

We have to change.

We are not capable of perfect love without giving up our lives because we are not complete without His perfecting process.

We were created with a design flaw out of necessity to accomplish His purpose.

In these verses, Yehshua is saying that He came to give up His life so that we could experience life and eternal life for what it is designed to be.

The word that is translated as more abundantly in verse 10 is only used three times by the eye witnesses, and all three times they are quoting Yehshua.

The other two times are found in Matthew 5 were it is merely translated as more than or beyond so He is really saying that He was going to die so that we could live in an exceeding way.

Here are these examples so that you can see that He is not talking about physical blessings;

Matt 5:37

37 But your logos should be, yes, yes or no, no: moreover, whatever is more than (or beyond) this exists of malice.

And the other example is found a few verses later in;

Matt 5:47

47 And if you only welcome your brothers, are not the gentiles those who even do more than (or do beyond) this?

Sure, there can be physical blessings that come forth from walking in obedience with Him because He rewards us but these blessings are not what this is about.

And we must flee from our focus being on such because the things of the world can take us away from what we must be focused on.

In order to understand, we have to look at the big picture which is defined by why we were created.

And, we have to consider the real reason that Yehshua gave up His life can result in this exceeding life that He is talking about.

The reason that we were created is simple. He created us to be molded by Him in His image.

He accomplishes this when we walk in agreement with His instructions which teach us His very nature.

His instructions are His Torah.

He could not program His nature in us without the proving phase that is life in the flesh because the essence of it is a passion for love and this needs to be programmed into our hard wiring by us choosing it in order for it to become real and alive in us.

There was no other way.

His living waters must become the joy of our deliverance.

This is what Isaiah was saying when He prophesied;

Isa 12:3-5


4 And in that day you will say, Praise YEHWEH, and call upon His name, AND A PEOPLE WILL KNOW HIS INTERVENTION and remember that His name is exalted.

5 and sing to YEHWEH; because the excellent things that He has done will be known in all the earth.

When David was crying out to Him to pardon his transgressions with Bathsheba and her husband, he cried out; restore unto me the joy of your deliverance.

His deliverance must become our shield and our buckler and He will give us the fountains of living water.

His name must be our banner and we must choose to desire it and to delight in it in order for His name to become our very nature.

He gave us a consequence for transgressing against His design to warn us that going our own way leads to death.

He is only looking for those who choose to be molded in His image to be in His family because that which is contrary to His perfect character destroys pure relationships.

His family will be one of total unity and in harmony with that which is pure and right.

There will be no greed or selfishness and such, just a family that lives together in love and continues in the family business of creating.

The consequence for transgressing against His purpose for us to be molded in this nature is death because it will not be allowed into His kingdom to corrupt it.

But He also knew that the nature that He created us with required a way for us to be forgiven from the death penalty in order to continue to be molded by Him.

So He set up the sacrificial system to teach us about the exceeding high consequence of our transgressions.

Innocent animals needed to be slaughtered on our behalf to point to the future ultimate sacrifice of His only Son that was begotten by Him.

All of this was to teach us to not to transgress His ways because of the exceeding high penalty of our transgressing against why we were created.

We have all transgressed against Him, so by His design, we must all die.

So He gave us a substitute where we could be forgiven through it and enter into a covenant with Him to be molded into His image.

The penalty that was paid on our behalf was huge so that we would be broken about it and not continue in our transgressions.

Is this how man has viewed the sacrifice of His Son?

No, they have trodden His shed blood under foot by continuing in their transgressions with no regard to why He shed His blood.

Sin is transgression of His law.

Most continued to live as they saw fit in their own righteousness, deciding right from wrong for themselves, just as Adam and Eve did.

But, there is a reason that He wants to forgive us.

Once we are forgiven, which requires us turning from our path to His path, He then writes His Torah in our hearts and in minds.

This is why Yehshua died, not just so we could be forgiven, but so we could be forgiven so that we could enter into this contract with His Father.

His Torah then teaches us to live in Excellency and to live in an exceeding way.

His Torah, coupled with His seven spirits, separate us from the world and from satan’s influences.

They teach us to not defile our minds and to become pure and in agreement with Him.

This process perfects us in His image and it brings forth the fruit of abundant joy and internal happiness.

This is why Yehshua died and the results of His sacrifice are designed to turn into an eternal abundant life in an eternal family that is built from and through perfect love.

This is what you are giving up your life to have and this is why He died for His sheep.

He is crying out to you to leave your life in order to become part of His family.

But it is a journey or a path that you must embark on if you are to receive of the Excellency of His character.

And the Excellency of His character will give you a life that is beyond anything that you can imagine and this is what Yehshua died for, so that you could possess it.