What the Most High uncovered to the scattered descendants of Israel in the last video that He sent forth on the 1st day of the 6th month was truly incredible.

There are 36 DAYS that encompass this 6/1 waypoint AND HIS 2nd MESSENGER OF BLOOD DELIVERY WAYPOINT.

The significance of 36 DAYS is He caused His servant Noah TO REMOVE THE COVERING from THE 3 TIERS of the boat 36 DAYS after He caused him to let loose THE 3rd TIER OF THE DOVE THAT DID NOT RETURN.

These 36 days also parallel the 36 years of age that Abraham’s only begotten son of his wife Sarah’s womb was when Abraham was willing to offer him up to YEHWEH at the place that later became the location of the dual houses that YEHWEH caused to be built unto His name.

How the timing of these 3 doves tie into another tier of His sign of Jonah (a.k.a. His sign of the dove) and yesterday’s 6/1, 1st day of these 36 days waypoint is fascinating.

In yesterday’s “Abraham’s Vision” video I said that there are 93 days that encompass this waypoint and YEHWEH’s 4th messenger of blood delivery waypoint.

There are 3 tiers of 31 days during this 93 day period of time.

YEHWEH’s servant Joshua and the armies of Israel smote 31 kings west of the Jordan when they took the land of the promise.

The way that 3 sets of 31 days line up within these 93 days is incredible.

The next waypoint indicator that He gave to us in the testimony of His word that is in this 6th month is the 5th day of the 6th month.

This is day that He ascribes to the 12 chapters of the 2nd tier of His end time son of Adam prophecies.

He gave us these 12 chapters 14 months after He gave us the 7 chapters of His 5th and 12th days of the 4th month prophecy.

There being 12 chapters of this 2nd tier of His end time son f Adam prophecies given to us 14 months after the 1st parallels the 12 cubits by 12 cubits of the greater settle of His Altar and the 14 cubits by 14 cubits of the lower settle of it.

And these dual tiers of 12 and 14 parallel the 12 and 14 days of the writing of His truths upon 12 of the great whitewashed stones of His Altar (that He calls the boulder design of His house) that He accomplished with His Ezekiel chapter 9 writer’s inkhorn.

Chapter 9 is in the 2nd of these 12 chapters of this 2nd tier of His end time son of Adam prophecies.

I accomplished this writing in 14 days however I only did the writing on 12 of them because I rested on His dual 7th day Sabbaths that were in this period of time.


The 14 month gap in these 1st two sets of His end time son of Adam prophecies parallels the 14 month gap that was between His dual waters of Meribah events.

They also parallel the 14 year gap that the Most High orchestrated between when His servant Noah and his family finished building the 3 tiers of the boat and when He sent forth the flood.

These dual 14 month & 14 year gaps also parallel all of His other references to 14 that YEHWEH wove into the testimony of His word such as the 3 tiers of 14 generations that were between His servant Abraham and His only begotten Son.

In other videos I have spoken that I believe that He is going to open up the deep and send forth the 12 physical eyes of waters at this place to accompany His living waters when He begins to send forth these 4 offspring.

And I still believe that this might be when He does so, however in light of Him sending forth the 2nd of His dual waters of Meribah events 14 months after the 1st, perhaps He will begin to do so on this 5th day of the 6th month waypoint since it is 14 months after last year’s 5th day of the 4th month.

If not, I believe that He is going to do so 31 days later on His 2nd messenger of blood delivery waypoint.

This is when I believe that He is going to send forth both Rachel and her twin brother Mahare Shalawl Koosh Baz.

26 days later is His 3rd messenger of blood delivery waypoint.

Subtracting a 2nd 31 DAYS from this 3rd delivery waypoint is THE 1st DAY OF THE 7th MONTH.

This is the Most High’s appointed time of HIS MEMORIAL OF ACCLAMATIONS that is erroneously called the feast of trumpets.

This was the day that He brought His only begotten Son into the world 2,018 YEARS AGO.

YEHWEH charged Abraham’s father Terah to go to the land of Canaan in the year 2018.

He charged Abraham to do the same 5 years later paralleling the 5 smooth stones that I spoke of in the last video.

His 4th messenger of blood delivery waypoint is 31 DAYS after His 3rd messenger of blood delivery waypoint.

This 4th messenger of blood delivery waypoint flows into His 4th day of the 9th month prophecy and the beginning of the 168 days of the one great and fearful day of His wrath.

How these 3 tiers of 31 days tie into the testimony of His word with the 1st of them beginning on the 5th day of the 6th month is amazing.

In case you cannot see what He is doing in dividing these 93 days that began yesterday in this manner and then showing us how these 3 tiers of 31 days (that are contained in them) fit snuggly into 3 of the waypoint indicators that He gave to us in the testimony of His word and these last 3 tiers of His 4 messenger of blood delivery waypoints I will tell you.

He is showing us that He has marked these 3 delivery waypoints with the testimony of His word.


How He accelerated THE 2nd TIER OF THESE 3 TIERS OF 31 DAYS TO BEGIN 5 DAYS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE is an illustration of Him sending forth this time of affliction upon you WHEN YOU DO NOT EXPECT IT.

These dual 5 day offsets parallel His Isaiah chapter 55 signature ring that He has put upon my hand.

In the beginning of His Isaiah chapter 55 prophecy He tells us the following;

Isaiah 55


5 Behold, you (this witness) shall call a heathen nation THAT DOES NOT KNOW and the heathen nation that does not know you WILL RUN TO YOU ON ACCOUNT OF YEHWEH YOUR ELOHIYM AND FOR THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL BECAUSE HE WILL BEAUTIFY YOU.

Who do you think He is talking about?

His entire word FROM ONE OF IT UNTO THE OTHER testifies that He has plucked me from your midst and given me a change of garments and is in the process of raising me up before your faces to be this constitutor to the people.

He has also sent forth scores and scores of physical signs to testify on my behalf.

One of the biggest of these was His Revelation chapter 12 virgin in His dual heavens sign that He sent forth on the same day that He turned back His Isaiah chapter 8 virgin prophetess.

On yesterday’s 6/1 waypoint He sent forth the 35th shaking of a string of shakings that He has caused from volcanic eruptions at the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.

I did not know about this shaking until after I had uploaded the video.

Here is how this shaking testifies that He has sent me to you.

When I petition Him 3 x’s per day I blow the shofar before and after I do so.

One of the dual men that dwell here records the times that I do so.

I have begun to refer to him as the camp scribe.

He told me that I blew the shofar at the beginning of the 3rd petition at 12:34 p.m. and then again at 12:44 after I finished.

When I finish the 3rd petition I generally rake where I approached near to Him at His house which takes perhaps 30 seconds to a minute before I blow the shofar and this is what I did yesterday.

This 10 minute gap between shofars parallels yesterday’s 10th day.

Since I finished petitioning Him at approximately 12:43, the 1st 9 minutes parallel the 9 days that preceded yesterday’s 10th day.

He sent for this 35th shaking at 12:43 and 28 seconds.

It was His 3rd 5.4 of these now 35 shakings.

I indirectly spoke about 54 years in yesterdays’ video.

I spoke about how yesterday was 15 days into the 102 days in relation to Him adding 15 years to His servant Hezekiah’s life.

When He added 15 years to Hezekiah’s life Hezekiah lived to be 54 years of age.

This 35th shaking also parallels the 3 ½ days (3.5 days) of the 84 hours from Him turning back the clouds after the rain that brought forth yesterday’s 3rd day.

This 5.4 was the 3rd 5.4 of these now 35 shakings.

In light of yesterday being the 3rd day, I suppose that this was a coincidence.

The 28 seconds parallel the 4 sets of His 7 fold chastisements that He continues to hold back through His chosen.

25 of these now 35 shakings have been 5.3’s.

I also spoke about how the 1st day of the 102 days of Him giving me the ability to call down His fire was 25 days after the 6th smooth stone anniversary of the scattering of my hair in yesterday’s video and how this paralleled His prophecy that is for 25 men with their backs towards His house and these 25 men representing all of you that have your backs towards His house at this time.

The other 7 of these 35 shakings have been 5.2’s.

These 5.2’s parallel the 52 days that it took our ancestors to build the wall and the 52 years that it took His servant Noah and his family to build the 3 tiers of the boat.

The camp scribe said that I blew the silver trumpet a 1:14 p.m. yesterday.

This parallels the day that He caused our ancestors to have His only begotten Son killed on His Passover Memorial that is on 1/14.

Here is something else that he pointed out to me.

I said that the 2nd 100 days of the 400 day period Abraham’s vision/prophecy took us to 11/11 on the Most High’s restored calendar and I pointed out that 11/11 was the day that He caused His servant Noah to let loose the 1st dove and the raven…

…and that this day followed the 2nd supermoon of the 3rd tier of the 3 tiers of 3 consecutive supermoons that He sent forth over the course of a 1,300 day period of time.

Our camp scribe pointed out to me that yesterday’s 6/1 waypoint followed the 4th smooth anniversary of the 2nd supermoon of 1st tier of the 3 tiers of 3 consecutive supermoons that He sent forth over the course of a 1,300 day period of time.

The way that these 9 supermoons continue to line up with the here and the now is amazing.

In the last video I said that the 3 smooth stone mark from when YEHWEH brought us to this place (that He has chosen for the decreeing of His righteous judgment) came and went and He did not send forth fire from His dual heavens.

Instead, 61 days later He sent forth His 4th messenger of blood.

A huge part of yesterday’s 6/1 video was His parallel to the 61st year of the 100 years of His servant Abraham’s sojourning.

He charged His servant Abraham to offer up Isaac in the 61st year of his sojourning.

What are the odds that His 4th messenger of blood would start 61 days after the 3rd smooth stone of Him bringing us to this place had ended?

Even the 4 different 100 day periods of His 400 day prophecy that I spoke about in yesterday’s 6/1 video parallel Abraham’s 100 years of sojourning.

They do so fourfold times.

His Zechariah prophecies give us just two dates besides Him telling us that He came to His servant Zechariah in the 8th month.

The 8th month is when He uncovered His Mahare Shalawl Koosh Baz prophecy to us.

His 1st messenger of blood began on the 4th day of this month.

The two dates that He gave to us through His servant Zechariah were THE 24th DAY OF THE 11th MONTH and THE 4th DAY OF THE 9th MONTH.

280 days from the 24th day of the 11th month is the 4th day of the 9th month.

However since day number one of His messenger of blood indicators is counted in these 280 day counts, His 4th messenger of blood delivery waypoint is on 9/3 on the 4th smooth stone anniversary of Him bringing the 3 of us to this place.

9/3 is the day that He brought us here going on 4 years ago.

9/3 also parallels these 93 days that began yesterday.

11/24 is 61 days later.

11/24 was day number one of the 280 days of His 4th messenger of blood.

What are the odds?

The details like these that He has woven into this in order to testify to all of this being of His Almighty hand is beyond, beyond, incredible, incredible.

In yesterday’s video I said that He doubled the 3 years of Abraham’s vision/prophecy to 6 years.

He did so in order to stamp that He has established this and that the timing of Him uncovering His almighty arm is indeed near at hand.

This is the reason that He caused His servant Joseph to give to Pharoah for why YEHWEH doubled the dream that He had given to him.

I will read this to you;

Genesis 41:32


The Hebrew word for quickly in this verse is the word that the 1st part of the name Mahare Shalawl Koosh Baz comes from.

Mahare is nearly the same word.

YEHWEH’s doubling the 3 years of His servant Abraham’s vision with the dual strokes of these 3 smooth stones in the exceedingly magnificent manner that He did that He uncovered to us yesterday in association with the scatting of the last 1/3rd of my hair 6 years…

…tells us that this word is established by Him and that He is going to do this quickly now that He has uncovered this matter to us.

The Hebrew word for quickly that is used in this verse is Strong’s number 4116.

It was in the year 4116 that a man named Hillel II and his cronies fixed the Most High’s 7th day Sabbath upon saturn’s day on the pagan Roman calendar.

YEHWEH’s First Fruit Harvest was 4,116 years after He sent forth the flood.

Here is another nugget that I did not think to put in yesterday’s video.

I said that I scattered my hair on 4/21 on His restored calendar 7 days before His First Fruit Harvest that was 6 years ago.

The Hebrew word for His dual heavens is used 421 times in the writings of what is called the Old Testament.

Here is another nugget, my predecessor Elijah also had dual 3 year periods that accompanied YEHWEH sending him.

Like I said in yesterday’s video, yesterday’s 6/1 waypoint was 40 days after the 6th smooth stone anniversary of the scattering of my hair.

He sent the romans to destroy the 2nd house that He caused to be built unto His name 40 years after our ancestors employed them to kill His Son.

Yet He has continued to shorten the days at this time.

He has done so in order to illustrate His long suffering to us and that He is not going to take pleasure in sending forth this time of affliction, yet it is necessary in order to accomplish why He is sending it.

However how much longer will He continue to do so?

I discussed the 6th day and the 7th day from yesterday’s 6/1 waypoint at the end of yesterday’s video.

I have discussed the significance of “after 6 days” in several of these videos.

The 5th day of this 6th month that I spoke about earlier will bring forth a 3 days’ journey to the 7th day.

This 7th day is the 8th day of this month.

YEHWEH caused my predecessor Moses’s faces to shine on this day after his 80th night upon His Holy Mountain Horeb.

This day is also the 1st day of the 40 days that He caused my predecessor Elijah to be upon His Holy Mountain Horeb.

At the end of Elijah’s 40 days and 40 nights He gave him the 3 tiers of the mighty wind and the shaking and the fire that He was not in…

..and then afterwards a 4th tier of a small, quiet voice.

This event was a prophecy that is for YEHWEH holding back letting loose His wrath while He has sent His end time Elijah to you in the small, quiet voice manner that He has.

However like I keep saying in these videos, on one of these warning waypoints that the Almighty keeps sending me with, THIS SMALL, QUIET VOICE MANNER that He has sent me IS GOING TO CHANGE AND HE IS GOING TO UNCOVER HIS ALMIGHTY ARM AND YOU ARE GOING TO KNOW THAT HE IS YEHWEH MY ELOHIYM AND THAT THERE IS NO OTHER.

Yesterday being 40 days after the 6th smooth stone anniversary of the scattering parallels the 40 days of His chapter 4 -5th day of 4th month/12th day of the 4th month prophecy.

This prophecy speaks of Him uncovering His almighty arm in relation to 40 days that accompany 390 days.

Since His 1st and His 4th messengers of blood are separated by 110 days, there are 390 days that encompass His 4 overlapping 280 day periods of time.

I can assure you that it is not a coincidence that yesterday’s 6/1 waypoint was 40 days from this 6th smooth stone scattering waypoint.

The details that He marked yesterday with are impeccable.

His word has been established and He will do so quickly.